If you’re creating video for your website or social media (and you probably are), what are the benefits of transcribing the audio from your video into a text format? Video transcripts can improve your video’s search engine optimization (SEO), enhance the user experience, and improve accessibility for deaf and hard-of-hearing users and non-native speakers.
TranscriptionServices.com understands these benefits well. That’s why we offer high-quality, accurate video transcription at a reasonable cost. To help you get started, ask for a free quote for your specific transcription needs.
Let’s look in detail at the advantages for offering video transcripts on your website and social media.
1. Boost your SEO
Providing a transcript will optimize your audio and video content and improve your SEO ranking. According to the Discovery Digital Networks, SafeNet, and This American Life, web pages with video transcripts receive noticeable increases in traffic and user engagement. This is because transcripts help users to search for and find your video, whether they’re just starting a search or are already on your home page.
2. Access a larger audience
Closed captioning (CC) is a ubiquitous and expected feature of video content, whether it’s network television or online streaming. Without CC, you’re denying full access to millions of deaf or hard-of-hearing users. CC is required by law for some video providers, such as government agencies. And let’s not forget those folks we see every day, watching videos on public transit, at work, in the waiting room at the dentist—all places where audio isn’t allowed or is difficult to hear.
In short, using your video transcript to create closed captions will expose your videos to a wider audience, including non-native English speakers.
3. Improve user experience
A transcript transforms your video from passive content into an interactive experience for general users and researchers alike. A transcript makes it easier for users to search for keywords and quickly locate specific topics. An interactive transcript also makes your content easier to follow.
Ready to get started with video transcription?
While you could make your own transcript, you’d risk making costly errors. (Besides, do you really have the time?) Let our professional transcriptionists take care of it. Place an order today and get high-quality video transcription for a reasonable price.